Title: Robin Hood

Author: Sally M. Stockton

Publisher: Black Cat Publishing

School number: 4315

Entry No. J-2


At the end of 12th century, Robin Hood was born. His real name was Robert. He changed his name after the great changes of his family.

By the 13th century, England had many problems King Richard was away on a crusade in the Holy Land for many years. Therefore, his brother, John, became the king. He was a cruel and greedy king and his men were arrogant and brutal. The people suffered a lot. They had to pay high taxes to King John and his sheriffs.

One day, the cruel sheriff of Nottingham killed Robinˇ¦s father, and took away his lands. Then robin escaped to Sherwood Forest with his loyal servants. They decided to live as free men in the forest. However, the king considered them outlaws. Although they were outlaws, they promised to themselves that they took only from rich merchants, noblemen and fat churchmen. They planned if rich travelers came into the forest, they would invite the travelers to eat with them. Then, they must pay for their food. They must give Robin Hood and the outlaws half of everything they had and Robin then gave the money to the poor.

Soon, other honest men joined the outlaws of Sherwood Forest. They were excellent archers. Robin became the best archer in the region.

Some years passed, the Sheriff of Nottingham sent an army of soldiers to capture Robin Hood, but they failed. Since Robin and the outlaws knew the forest perfectly.

They killed all the soldiers. This made the sheriff and King John very furious.

Some days passed, the sheriff was going to capture Robin Hood in person, but the outlaws captured him. Although Robin wanted to kill him, he only insult the sheriff. He let the sheriff returned to Nottingham naked. When the people saw the sheriff, they laughed wildly and pointed at him. The sheriff loathe Robin, he wanted to destroy him. He held a competition of archery and the winner could get the silver

arrow. This attracted Robin and he decide to join the competition although he knew it

was a trap. Fortunately, the sheriff failed again as his soldiers was afraid of Robin. And Robin returned to Sherwood Forest with the silver arrow.

One evening, a knight went to Sherwood Forest. He was King Richard. He told the outlaws that they were freemen then and he would punish King John and the sheriff. After the Kingˇ¦s return, Robin got back his land and lived happily. Some of the outlaws returned to their old homes and villages. Some were looking for adventure. Others became soldiers in the Kingˇ¦s army. In everyoneˇ¦s heart, there was a beautiful memory of the years spent in the Sherwood Forest.

I think Robin is a hero. He created justice at the time he lived when there was none. He took from the rich and gave to the poor. The poor people liked him very much since when they needed supports, Robin helped them. Robin Hood was adamant. Although he lost his parents, his home, his lands and all his possessions, he did not give up. He tried to find another place to live and lived happily.

At that time, the poor meant the lowest state in the society, they were peasant and serfs. They were also helpless because of the social inequality. Only they had to pay taxes, but the nobles, the rich men, need not pay taxes. The poor were unhappy for that and they thought the rich men were bad. Therefore, the subsist of Robin Hood at that time was meritorious. Was Robin take from the rich and give to the poor right? Could he help all the poor?

Nowadays, the problems of social inequality are not as serious as the 13th century. Many governments of different countries are trying their best to improve the equality in the society, for example, equality between sexes; race and religion. The factors that make the people poor are not the same as the one in the past in the 13th century. In addition, nowadays, not all the rich people are bad. On the contrary, many rich people are kind. They contribute money to charities to help the helpless and the governments also provide different kinds of social welfare for the minority groups. So, do we need Robin Hood now?

I think to make the society more equal and just, we need a democratic government and reasonable law, but not only personal effort.

May be we were born poor, but we should not give up or just receive the help of others. We should try our best to improve our live better and make ourselves more competitive.

In Hong Kong, many teenagers evade problems. For example, when they have some problem on homework, most of them may not solve the problems themselves, they will ask their friends for help. However, their friends cannot always help them, and they will finally failed in the examination. It is meaningless if we always ask for help. At least, we should try to solve the problems first. In fact, many people kill themselves to elude the problems. I think they are extremely selfish and deficient in brave. In my opinion, if we are brave and do not give up, nothing is impossible! Like few years ago, the SARS outbreak. Many people were terrified. However, the doctors and nurses did not afraid on it and they did not give up. They found the medicine that can stop the spreading of the disease hard. Finally, we won this war!

The only one that can help us is ourselves. Self-help is the best help.

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