Contents Special Features i Instructions on Accessing Online Interactive Learning Resources v Exam Paper Format vi Comparison between NEW and OLD syllabuses vii 5 Chemical Cells and Electrolysis 2 5.1 Redox reactions 4 5.2 Chemical cells 16 5.3 Electrolysis 30 Demonstration 48 Practice 62 6 Products from Important Processes 72 6.1 Chlorine and hypochlorite 74 6.2 Sulphuric acid and sulphur dioxide 86 6.3 The molar volume of gases at room temperature and pressure 100 6.4 The location of chemical plants 104 Demonstration 106 Practice 120 7 Fossil Fuels and Carbon Compounds 128 7.1 Fossil fuels 130 7.2 Homologous series 135 7.3 Alkanes 136 7.4 Alkenes 150 7.5 The burning of fuels 154 7.6 Air pollutants 159 7.7 Alcohols 170 Demonstration 183 Practice 196 8 Plastics and Detergents 204 8.1 Plastics 206 8.2 Detergents 227 Demonstration 237 Practice 251 9 Detection and Analysis 262 9.1 Separation of mixtures 264 9.2 Tests for substances 271 Demonstration 285 Practice 292 Index 299 Question Commands 302