New Certificate Economics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 1 (Revised Edition)
New Certificate Economics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 2 (Revised Edition)

By Raymond Kwok

New Certificate Economics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 1 & 2 (Revised Edition) is revised according to the latest HKCE Economics exam format (up to 2008). The special features are listed below:

  Concept Map summarizes the framework and important concepts under each topic.
  Learning Focus allows students to have an overall idea of the main learning points of each chapter.
  Concept Explorer gives detailed analyses of important or difficult concepts.
  Theory in Life offers daily-life examples and practical applications of abstract theories.
  Progress Checkpoint helps consolidate students' understanding.
  Glossary provides a list of important vocabulary for quick reference.
Exam Question Analysis gives HKCEE past questions distribution and common errors.
  Reminders pinpoint tips and study skills for students.
Demonstration with Guidelines illustrates how to answer typical HKCEE questions.
Exam-oriented Practices with Hints are designed for quick drills to enhance students' understanding.
  Solution Guide with answers and detailed explanatory notes are included.
  Online Interactive Quizzes are provided on our website for self-learning and self-assessment purposes.
A Self-Learning Resources CD-ROM contains a new set of mock exam paper with answers. A variety of computer-based learning materials is available for free. The materials are designed in various formats such as PowerPoint presentations, Flash animations, Authorware courses and web-based interactive exercises.


New Certificate Economics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 1 (Revised Edition)
New Certificate Economics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 2 (Revised Edition)

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