“Learners’dictionaries” By Michael Rundell

在英語教育課程中,學習型詞典是教學資源的寶庫,本館專誠請來麥克米倫英語詞典總編輯Michael Rundell親臨尖沙咀圖書中心舉行英語教學講座,與老師們分享引發學生主動活用英漢詞典的方法與心得。 

主題: Learners’dictionaries as a veritable mine of information
講員: Mr. Michael Rundell (麥克米倫英語詞典總編輯 The Editor-in-Chief )
日期: 2008年12月1日 (星期一)
時間: 4:30 pm - 5:30pm
地點: 商務印書館尖沙咀美麗華圖書中心活動區
地址: 九龍尖沙咀彌敦道118-130號
對象: 中學英文老師
費用: 全免

Mr. Michael Rundell has been a lexicographer since 1980, following a short and not very brilliant career as an academic, then as an English language teacher. He worked for a time at COBUILD during the earliest days of corpus lexicography, then for over ten years at Longman, and most recently he has been dividing his time between Macmillan’s exciting dictionary publishing programme and his own business as a trainer and project manager. As Managing Editor at Longman Dictionaries (1984-94), he was responsible for several big dictionary projects, including the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1987 and 1995 editions), and the Longman Language Activator (1993). Since 1998, he has been a lexicographic consultant for Bloomsbury Publishing plc, who planned and wrote the Macmillan English Dictionary.

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