TSA Maths Mock Exam Papers Secondary 3

H. Y. Pang     W.S. Chan

TSA Maths Mock Exam Papers Secondary 3 is designed to help students tackling the Territory-wide System Assessment (Key Stage 3). It provides students with plenty of practices.

Special Features Include:

  • Large number of mock exam papers
    This book consists of 10 mock papers, covering the three learning dimensions (Number and Algebra, Measure, Shape and Space and Data Handling) of Key Stage 3. Each paper is provided with a Scoring Guide for students’ reference.
  • Closely in line with the latest TSA exemplars
    Each paper follows strictly the latest TSA exemplars’ format and suggested answers so that students can be familiar with the latest TSA requirement.
  • Exam Strategies
    It provides students the essential skills in tacking the examinations.
  • Common Mistakes
    It lists the common mistakes made by students and demonstrates how to give correct answers.
  • BC Descriptors
    It lists all the basic competency that students have to attain in Key Stage 3.
  • Progress Report
    It enables students to conduct self-evaluation. Teachers are also well-informed of students’ progress.
  • Revision Cards
    It summarizes the learning objectives in Key Stage 3 for quick revision.

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