TSA English Mock Exam Papers Primary 3
TSA English Mock Exam Papers Primary 6

Bellson Ip     Alvina Ip     Janeta Ip

TSA Mock Exam Papers is a series specially designed for tackling the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA). This series contains both English and Mathematics subjects. Each subject has three volumes: P3, P6 and S3 (with Chinese and English versions for S3 Mathematics). It provides students with plenty of practices for the TSA.

Special features of TSA English Mock Exam Papers Primary 3 and 6 include:

  • Greatest number of mock exam papers
    Each of these books consists of 18 mock papers, including 7 for Listening, 7 for Reading and Writing and 4 for Speaking.
  • Closely in line with the latest TSA sample items and report
    Each paper follows strictly the latest TSA mock paper's format and marking scheme. It is also set in accordance with the latest Report on the Basic Competency of Students in English Language and CDC Syllabus for English Language (Primary 1—6).
  • Exam Strategies
    It provides students with skills in tackling the exam questions.
  • Common Mistakes
    It demonstrates how to give correct answers and avoid mistakes.
  • BC Descriptors
    It lists all the basic competency that students have to attain in Key Stages 1and 2.
  • Progress Report
    It enables students to conduct self-evaluation. Teachers are also well-informed of student’s progress.
  • Revision Cards
    It provides students with materials for quick revision on the knowledge acquired from the mock papers.
  • Free CDs
    They provide students with audio listening recordings and a visual sample performance for the Speaking exam.


Primary 3
Primary 6

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