Summer Adventure in English

Esther Sham

The Summer Adventure in English is a series of summer vacation exercises tailor-made for students from Primary 6 to Secondary 3. It follows the latest requirements of the Curriculum Development Council's Syllabus for Secondary English and the New Senior Secondary (NSS) English Language Curriculum. It helps to consolidate what students have learnt and prepare them for the next school year.

Special features of the series include:
  • Tailor-made for assessments and the NSS curriculum
    Essential skills for tackling the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) and School-based Assessment (SBA) are included. Language Arts modules under the NSS curriculum are also covered.
  • Balanced training on language skills
    Reading, writing, listening and speaking skills are precisely explained with consolidation exercises in every unit.
  • Updated and authentic materials
    Most of the materials focus on current issues, such as collective memory and environmental protection, helping students to learn English in their daily life.

Different sections include:

  • Getting Ready
    Pictures with questions help students understand the theme of the unit.
  • Reading Station
    Updated and authentic passages of different text types to enhance students' reading skills.
  • Grammar Station
    Comprehensive exercises to strengthen students' grammar knowledge.
  • Listening Station
    Listening skills, including integrated skills, are taught to consolidate students' learning.
  • Speaking Station
    Various exercises to improve students' oral skills for presentations and discussions.
  • Writing Station
    Practices of different text types and formats are provided to develop better writing skills.
  • Assessment Station
    Essential TSA or SBA skills are explained in detail to prepare students for the assessments.
  • Wrapping Up
    Detailed assessment tables help students check their progress in learning.
  • Language Arts Station
    Materials about the Language Arts modules under the NSS curriculum, giving students more exposure to the new syllabus.
  • Vocabulary Building
    Difficult words are translated and put alongside respective contexts.
  • Don't Forget
    Additional information and alerts are put alongside respective contexts.
Summer Adventure in English (A Foundation Course): P.6-S.1
Summer Adventure in English (Book 1): S.1-S.2
Summer Adventure in English (Book 2): S.2-S.3
Summer Adventure in English (Book 3): S.3-S.4

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